As we went into production for the first 50,000 cotton face masks, we continued to create and sample new mask designs and material options so that we could produce better, more protective masks much quicker, and in bulk. Through rounds of sampling and with guidance and advice from healthcare professionals, we have developed new masks that improve the speed and cost in production as well as the level of protection they can offer over cotton masks.
Our new design for masks feature 3 ear slots on each side, so that they can fit a wider range of sizes as well as be worn over medical-grade PPE. The material is soft, lightweight, and fits tight once adjusted. The masks are also made through die cutting, which eliminates our need to sew on elastic and provides us with a much cheaper and efficient way to produce these masks in bulk.
These masks are being made out of polypropylene surgical wrap, used in operating rooms, which prevents moisture and droplets from getting through while still remaining breathable. These masks are being tested this week in the field to prove their efficacy. They will be made in a single layer of blue or white polypropylene surgical wrap and will come in adult and kids sizes. We will continue conducting further testing this week with the medical community to improve the design and level of protection.
We’ll be working with nonprofits, corporations and health care networks to provide them directly to the medical community in bulk at cost or fully sponsored. Later this week, these masks will be available online through a Buy One, Give One program along with the rest of our face mask collection for customers to purchase and at the same time, fund giving them to the medical community. These will all be available to the public soon and will be sold as buy one, give one on individual masks and packs. Pricing on all items and previews will be available later this week on our social media channels. See the collection below:
Thank you to our manufacturing partners Minnesota Knitting Mills, Softline Brand Partners, Bluegrass, Maine Heritage Weavers, Carr Textile, JONCO Industries, Authenticity50, Vomela, First Impression Group, Pilgrim Dry Cleaners, and the M Health for making this program possible.
Stay tuned on our social media for updates on our Face Mask program. Thank you for your support and making this possible.
Click here to sign up for an email notification when the face masks are available for sale. If you are interested in purchasing in bulk, please email