Meet Shane!

Meet Shane!

Shane is a 15 year old patient at Boston Children's Hospital has been diagnosed with AML, also known as Acute Myeloid Leukemia. During Shane's treatment process, he was left with very little eyesight and tends to keep his eyes closed a majority of the time. It takes a lot of energy for Shane to make big movements such as sitting up, and he works closely with speech therapy as his articulation as decreased over time. Shane has been currently undergoing treatment at the Boston Children's Hospital. 

This year, we donated DC x LYM superhero beanies & our Adventures of the Super Crew children's books to Seacrest Studio locations within children's hospitals, with Boston being one of the locations. Shane is a huge fan of DC & Marvel superheroes, so the team were elated to see Shane perk up as soon as he felt the DC Comics beanies! Upon sharing more information about the superhero collection and the connection between Love Your Melon and the Ryan Seacrest Foundation, Shane began educating the staff on every character and which comic they were involved with.

"He sat himself up in bed, opened his eyes and smiled the biggest smile I have ever seen from him! He absolutely loved the hats and the interaction I was able to have with him because of this collaboration :) "

- Miranda at Boston Children's Hospital

We are so happy to have made a difference in Shane's day and provided him with a cozy beanie to wear throughout treatment and represent his favorite Superhero. It's moments like these and our real-life Superheroes who continue to inspire us every day and continue to fight pediatric cancer. 

Thank you for your incredible support! 

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