Apex Speaker Series
Guest speaker Olivia Hawley, Love Your Melon Ambassador and childhood cancer survivor, shared her story with her peers at the APEX Experience.
Matt Kelly, Board Member, CureSearch for Children's Cancer and father of Shepard Kelly, childhood cancer survivor shared Shepard's story at the APEX Experience.
Steve Chepokas, Mitch's Dad and Founder, The Pinky Swear Foundation & Brian Nelson, Executive Director, The Pinky Swear Foundation joined the APEX Experience to talk about Pinky Swear and Love Your Melon's partnership.
Dr. Stuart Siegel, Pediatric Oncologist and Board Chair, CureSearch for Children's Cancer joined the APEX Experience to talk about the partnership between Love Your Melon and CureSearch.
Jess Ekstrom, Founder, Headbands of Hope touched the ambassadors with her passion and her story during the APEX Experience.
Robyn Rosenberger, Founder, TinySuperheroes inspired the ambassadors with her journey creating Tiny Superheroes.
Mike Johnson, Co-Founder, Quiet Logistics and COO + President, Locus Robotics speaks about the distribution process and how Love Your Melon beanies are packaged.
Brian Keller, Co-Founder of Love Your Melon and National Ambassador Program Director with the story of the Campus Crew Program.